Recent changes to this wiki:

rm'd nonexistend BSD booth
termin '15
video aufzeichnungen auf youtube
galerie verlinkt
HOWTO Galerie
spenden kontonummer auf anfrage
after-event index
-KDE - Stand
android app to download folder
added GLT-Android App
infostände samstag
added app
repaircafe text++
merge from master
resized meduni logo v2
added Anexia Info
merge from master
png instead of pdf
added download folder and glt14_170_grad poster
updated pressetext '14
added oreilly sponsor
updated oVirt text
meduni institutslogo update
reordered sponsors
added anexia
added 3D-Drucker
sponsoring kontaktadresse hinzugefügt
added BTC QR-Code
CAcert added link into text
sponsoren: heliumv raus
buffet opening_hours
new synpro logo
LT spontan
rm pdf
programm live
Sponsorenlogos aus Head übernommen
Sponsorenseite aus Head übernommen
rm cfl @ infostaende
cfl ende
changed cryptoparty info
index info - workshops, projektstände, vorträge
updated plakat '14
updated plakat '14
updated plakat-link '14
added plakat '14
neue guess who plakate 2014
centered page
infostaende +cfl-hinweis sa
infostaende info dass aus 2013 rein
pressematerial updated
presse '14
index neues Motto text angepasst
added SM (G+FB) index
updated SM index
SM links 14
programm - → —
programm - → —
programm zeiteinteilung
programm zeiteinteilung
index tagaufteilung genauer
updated pb-anleitung to new font version
rm pb anl'13
cfl fertig
ksp findet statt
merge typos etc from master
merged programm changes to glt14
cfl in kürze
merge from master
merge changes from master
neues impressum übernommen
added nbsp
finden am 4.+5.April statt...
updated main logo
merge changes from glt14 back into master
keysigning verständlicher
index ++
index date added!
new ical spanning over 2 days
corrected typos
merged anfahrt from glt14
easyname title tag
easyname alt tag etc
index one br
impressum email address 2014
added archiv link to 2013
links event links to 2013 events updated
links rmd